Is The Hindu biased in selection of special articles for publication?

Answer to the above question is: YES. Then, it is our responsibility to prove our assertion. A golden opportunity was made available to us to prove our point by just going through the Hindu Newspaper of March 1, 2016 – carrying the various news items of Central Budget – 2016-17. Its Heading “A Pro-Poor Push in hard times” on the first page, its editorial “A message aimed at the heart of India” and even its cartoon along side its editorial are all well balanced, neutral, unbiased and even praising the budget for its push on the rural and farm sectors – though the Hindu said that it was due to a series of assembly polls coming up. But all special articles published in the same date paper – 1. Just another trivial budget by Ashok V. Desai 2. By no means a ‘socialist budget’ by G. Sampath 3. Nothing radical or revolutionary by Arvind P.Datar 4. Why the Budget numbers don’t add up by Rohit are all against the budget. The views and opinions expressed in those articles are q...