Atthi Varadar Divvya Darshan – Once in 40 Years Darshan Event at Kancheepuram

During the last days of June 2019, a nine-feet Athi Varadhar idol was brought back from the temple tank and after completion of rituals, Athivaradhar was brought to Vasantha Mandapam right on the main entrance of the temple for public darshan . No regular aradhana rituals are performed to the idol, but the offerings of the devotees are accepted. The first 24 days Athivaradhar is kept in a reclining position and the remaining 24 days in standing position. The last time the idol was taken out on July 2,1979 and earlier on July 12, 1939. According to legend, Goddess Saraswathi had a misunderstanding with her husband Brahma. So Saraswathi took the form of a river called Vegavathi and tried to disturb Brahma’s Aswamedha Yagna in the Athi forest. But Vishnu emerged from the holy fire of yagna as Athivaradhar to stop the river from interrupting the Yagna . Viswakarma carved out a body for Athi...