Confusion Crowned Congress by Pavithran

Rahul is the star campaigner of the Congress Party and is very much aggressively at the campaigns in Gujarat Assembly Election to be held on the 9 th and 14 th December 2017. Congress Party depends upon Rahul who is now vice-president and is all set to be crowned as the Party President very shortly. In his election speeches at Gujarat, Rahul was found to err on vital statistics and as he continued to speak not minding about the wrong statements and awfully laughable comments in his recent political meetings at Gujarat, one wonders when and how he will learn to become a leader with clear cut vision and principled goal to lead the country with his ambition to become a Prime Minister of India one day. Confusion in understanding and confusion in delivery of speech and confusion in maintaining uniform statistics – whether correct or wrong - in his speeches are very much quite evident in his campaigns. Rahul had said at Porbander Election Meeting on ...