Small Wonder Budget - 2017 - 18

Philosophy of Modi’s Government, as per Arun Jaitley , our Finance Minister, while presenting the budget, is ‘to Transform, Energise and Clean India’ i.e. TEC India and according to many analysts and media spokespersons, it had succeeded largely in achieving the purpose set. Even the heading to this editorial - Small Wonder Budget’ is borrowed from the Hindu Newspaper - the phrase used by it while publishing the details of the budget on the first page. The Hindu had remarked thus: ‘In a workmanlike Budget, Arun Jaitley maintains fiscal discipline while handing out more to those at the bottom of the pyramid.’ It is really a wonder that the same Hindu in its editorial had words of praise under the opt caption ‘A Fine Balance’: ‘The big bang in this Budget is the shift from unfettered populism. The budget has tried to ease the pain of those most impacted by the adverse effects of demonetisation.’ The Budget is said to be reflecting truthfully ‘His Master’s Vo...