Markaz Nizamuddin Delhi Mosque’s Islamic Congregation of Tablighi Jamaat in spite of Lockdown

Head of Markaz Mosque at Nizamuddin , Delhi is Maulana Saad who had defied Central Government’s directives to follow the rules to contain the Pandemic Corona Virus being spread due to the Islamic Congregation of Tablighi Jammat . No Permission Sought For Tablighi Jamaat Gathering, Says Delhi Police. It is necessary to know about Tablighi Jammat . Jammat is an Islamic missionary movement to urge Muslims to practice the Islamic religion as it was practiced during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad particularly in matters of ritual, dress and personal behavior. Majority of its followers mostly from South Asia is estimated to have around 200 million spread over approximately 200 countries. It began as an offshoot of the Deobandi Movement in India, but, it had grown as as a fertile breeding ground for radical militancy in numerous countries. Kejriwal Government had banned the gathering of more than 50 persons at one place back on March 16 i.e. well before...