Demonetization - Effects and Defects

8th November 2016 was a red letter day for all honest citizens of India who could sleep soundly after hearing the Modi’s announcement of demonetization, while those with black money under their carpets had to rush to the medical stores in search of sleeping pills! Yes, Modi had on that day announced in a broadcast to the nation the demonetization of high value currencies of Rs.500/- and Rs.1000/- with immediate effect from the midnight of that day. Even the word - DEMONetization - contains ‘Demon’ which is being annihilated by the 8th November Master Stroke Announcement. Demon here means black - corrupt - terror - counterfeit currencies that are responsible for all evils of thwarting the peace and economic progress of India as a whole and also tarnishing the image of our country as well. Modi, in the course of his announcement, had remarked: “The move complements the country’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Campaign). For years, this ...