SATYAMEVVA JAYATHE AN APPEAL TO RAHUL AT THIS CRITICAL MOMENT BY S. SANKAN - EDITOR E-TOUCH & VAAIMAI Randeep Surjewala Chief Spokesperson tweeted thus: Smt. Sonia Gandhi Elected as the leader of Congress Parliamentary Party! Yes what is wrong in this tweet - you may wonder and ask. Please note that this most important decision and announcement tweet has an exclamation mark ! - Congi what it conveys? Are you inadvertently admit that Sonia elevation is not election but pure selection bowing to the mo st powerful undying spirit of Dynastic mindset in spite of most historic humiliating defeat to be satisfied with 52 seats due to 56 inches? Rahul! Who is your script writer? Time is ripe to change him even if you are not bothered with most inappropriate exclamation remark. Rahul! You may ask me:Why? I am saying this because of your first advice to the 52 Newly Elected MPs (which includes yourself) for the first Congress Parliamentary Meeti...