Amma’s Advice Courtesy: S. Balaraman

Editor: Really wonderful speech that will move you. It is wonderful because it explains every aspects convincingly with lovable words and impressive reasonings . I request all to read this without fail and I quite sure that you will be enlightened even if you are not ready to agree with all she had explained. What did Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi ) speak at the Ayyappa bhakta sangamam on the 20th of January 2019 in Thiruvananthapuram ? Ammaa was invited as the Chief guest in the huge conglomeration of Ayyapa devotees at the Ayyappa Bhakta Sangamam on 20th Jan 2019 at Thiruvananthapuram , in which several heads of Hindu religious institutions and prominent citizens participated. The following is the translation of Amma's Malayalam speech at the gathering: Whatever incidents that have happened recently related to Sabarimala are quite unfortunate. The root cause of the problem is the absence of adequate knowledge about the specific n...