Appeal to Voters: Elect Modi Again in 2019 Lok Sabha

For the last 4 ½ years, India had progressed tremendously in many areas of importance such as Health, Education, Communication, Travels – Air, Rail, Waterways, Tourism, Defence , Law and Order, Ease of Doing Business, Electrification, Gas Connections, Health Insurance cover etc. Ganga Cleaning had started in all earnestness and Tanneries Effluents into Holy Ganga are real challenge and problem due to those tanneries on the banks of Ganga being owned by Muslims and establishments of treatment plants on the banks had great roles in cleaning Ganga . Clean India Campaign and Electrification of all Villages and Health Insurance Cover of Rs.5 lacs are all unique steps taken by Modi within his first term itself. Start up India, Digital India and Make in India are all schemes taken to empower Indian Youths to become entrepreneurs so that they become employment generators instead of employment seekers. Price Stabilization, Reasonable Employment Generations, Home f...