Lynching of 2 Sadhus and their driver in Palghar, Maharashtra

The most horrific and barbaric mob lynching of 3 innocent persons happened on April 16, 2020 in Gadakchinchale village at Palghar district which was carved out of Thane near Mumbai having a large tribal population. There had been rumors that organ harvesting gangs, child lifters and thieves were operating in the area, especially at night, for which the locals had formed vigilante groups. The area is a Maoist hotbed and having Church Influence. The evangelical Christian missionary mafia is active in Palghar district and natives of the region talk about a notorious land mafia which is run by some tribals under auspices of a Communist movement called “ Laal Bawta ” . Christian Missionaries have set up Churches in the Dahanu-Palghar tribal region north of Mumbai and a large number of Church-funded leftist NGOs are operating in the region. On that fateful night of April 16, two Sadhus associated with the Juna Akhara , 70-year-old Kalpavrishka Giri Maha...