Liberals, Leftists, Luytyens , Sonia Congress, Didi TMC = HIMALAYAN LIARS AND MUSLIM APPEASEMENTS’ MASTERS! India, that is Bharath , shall be a Union of States – are the opening sentence of the Constitution of India immediately after the Preamble. As you all know, United India was bifurcated on religious basis – Pakistan as an Islamic Country, but, on the other hand, India was not divided on the basis of any religion. Muslims Leaders had preferred Islamic State called Pakistan –West and East, while Indian Political Leaders mainly Congress at that time had declared that “the People of India resolved to constitute India into a SOVERIEGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its Citizens JUSTICE, LIBERTY, EQUALITY AND FRATERNITY.” Though India was declared as Bharath in the constitution of India, slogans such as Bharath Mata Ki Jai, Vanthe Matharam were not acceptable to Indian Muslims and even for the so-called Secu...