Xi Jinping – Modi Heart to Heart Summit in Wuhan City of China

The summit of Modi - Xi was held in Central China’s Wuhan City on April 27 and 28, 2018 in a bid to strengthen sagging ties due to Dokalam standoff. The Chinese Press had hailed the meeting as a ‘historic informal summit’ and India can be proud as Xi had taken personal care and interest in the arrangements for the meeting and had accompanied Modi throughout his two days stay. Hence, 73-day Standoff in Dokalam which was due to Indian troops stopping the construction of a road by the Chinese Army in the disputed area, had become past history, as the top leaders of China and India had met without any specific agenda but with specific determination to identify new grounds as the guiding principles for bilateral ties and drawing a blueprint for the comprehensive cooperation between the two sides. It is said that it opened up new ground for India-China relations. The talks focused on diverse areas of India-China cooperation, giving impetus to their economic ties as well ...