Triple ‘No’ for Triple Talaq – Historic Judgement by Apex Court

Even in this straight case of rendering justice to the sufferings of Married Indian Muslim women under Triple Talaq for more than 65 years in the Independent India, our Learned Supreme Court judges had not said in one voice – No To Triple Talaq . Hence out of 5 Supreme Court Judges, only 3 said an emphatic No, while the remaining 2 – by their dissent/separate judgment had not joined with the majority of the judges. Hindu, Parse and Christian Judges had said No to Triple Talaq , while Sikh and Muslim Judges had said almost Yes to Triple Talaq . The Hindu News paper had perhaps ridiculed the distorted judgments with the phrase: United against triple talaq , divided on legal points. For the majority of 3 Judges the practice of Instant Divorce System prevalent in Muslim Personal Law was void, illegal, unconstitutional, retrograde, discriminatory for women, unworthy, bad in law, violates constitutional morality, unworthy of protection under Article 25 – ...