2 G Scam - Manmohan Singh and an Unknown Hand by Pavithran

CBI VS Raja – Saini’s Full Judgement copy – Click the link below to read it: http://www.thehinducentre.com/multimedia/archive/03217/CBI_Vs__A__Raja_an_3217296a.pdf OP Saini’s judgement accused two officials in PMO for not dealing with the letters received from A.Raja about the vital issue about issuing new spectrum licences in a professional and proper manner. Raja’s particular letter to the PM had indicated a shift in the telecom licensing policy – change initiated was from date of application to date of payment of fee. Saini alledged that this change of base date which was clearly a change in the telecom licensing policy was not properly brought to the notice of PM by these two officials in the PMO. Saini had identified them and named them in his judgement as well and they were Pulok Chatterjee and TKA Nair – more on Pulok rather than Nair. Actually Saini said in his judgement – item 1806 that ‘the facts were misrepresented to the PM’ and as a pr...