Celebration of the Cosmic Dance of Lord Shiva - Arudra Darisanam in Margazhi Month on 10-01-2020 – Friday

Lord Shiva’s birthday star is Thiruvadirai in the month of Margashi and this day is also the longest night in a year. Arudra Darshan means darshan of the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva. The cosmic dance of Lord Shiva represents five activities -Creation, Protection, Destruction, Embodiment and Release. In essence, it represents the continuous cycle of creation and destruction. On this day Nataraj form of Lord Shiva is worshipped during Arunodaya along with holy chanting from Vedas. Arudra Darisanam is celebrated in a grand manner in 5 Sabhas of Sri Natarajar namely 1) Kanakasabha (Gold) - at Chidambaram ( Thillai or Tillai ), 2) Velli Sabhai (Silver) at Madurai, 3) Ratnasabha (Ruby) at Tiruvalankadu , 4) Tamrasabha (Copper) at Tirunelveli , 5) Chitrasabha (Pictures) at Kutralam . In Thillai Chidambaram 10 day Festival is held during Thiruvathirai . On the 9th day night (i.e., 10th day very early morning) Maha Ab...