Pleasant Truth

The goddesses of poverty and wealth once had an argument about who was more beautiful. As they were arguing, they saw a merchant coming towards them and decided to ask him to settle the matter. The merchant was filled with awe whey they told him who they were, but he turned pale whey they told him what they wanted him to do. It was plain to him that Goddess of Wealth was the more beautiful of the two, but how could he tell Goddess of Poverty that? She would be furious and would probably reduce him to poverty. But he was a clever man and quickly gathering his wits, said: “O Goddess of Wealth, you are more beautiful than any other woman on earth or in heaven when you are entering a house, but you, O Goddess of Poverty, words fail to describe your grace and elegance, when you are leaving. There is non to compare with you in beautify” It was a judgement that pleased both the contestants because each thought she had been adjudged as the winner. But the real winner, of course, was the ...