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  Some Glimpses of Bloody History of Roman Empire as revealed through Cicero’s Letters to Titus Pomponius - An Atticus (Athen) Cicero –(Died at the Age of 63 – 106 BCE – 43 BCE) was born a century before Christ and is the Father of the Republic Systems of Governance. To uphold Republic in those ambitious and tumultuous aristocratic mentalities of elite few, Cicero had paid the price with his life – he was murdered by Mark Antony brutally and was humiliated in public – denying even a burial. As a partisan of the Roman Senate, he even opposed the capture of the Roman state by Julius Caesar around 50 BC. In spite of his opposition to Julius Caesar’s anti-democratic politics, Cicero in a letter from 65 BC wrote: “I beg to inform you that on the very day that Julius Caesar and Marcius Figulus were elected to the consulship, I was blessed with a baby boy.” Cicero was a fine orator and many of his speeches have come down to us in full. Cicero was a great correspondent as well: “It is said tha