YOGA, SANYASA AND TYAGA By S. Sankaran, Editor, E-Touch

Reader is fond of reading the Bhagavad Gita. He is now faced with doubts as to the real meaning of the three words – viz. yoga (the path of selfless action with devotion), sanyasa (renunciation) and tyaga (sacrifice or relinquishment). Reader is faced with the doubts mainly due to the conflicting definitions given in the Gita to sanyasa and tyaga. Reader explains his position as follows: Sanyasi has been defined as ‘one who discharges the duty without attachment to its fruits’ – in Chapter 6 – 1. It has also been stated therein that sanyasi is also a yogi. It is further clarified that sanyasi is not the one who has abandoned his duties such as lighting sacred fire and performance of rites. Now, let us turn to the definition of tyaga as expounded in Chapter 18 – 2. Tyaga is defined as ‘the abandonment of the fruits of all duties’, which is quite similar to the definition given to sanyasa. Gita has declared that sanyasa and yoga are one. But there is no such st...