1006th Birth Anniversary of Sri Ramanujacharya on 25th April 2023

Sri Ramanuja Acharya (1017-1137 C.E.) was a great Hindu philosopher and thinker. He is the most venerated Acharya in the philosophy of Sri Vaishnavism. He was born in 11th century in the village of Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu in 1017 CE. Sri Ramanuja birth name was Lakshmana and also referred to as Ilaya Perumal. He was disappeared at the age of 120 in Srirangam, Tamil Nadu in 1137 CE. BHAGAWAD RAMANUJACHARYA’S MESSAGES: v Shed your ego. Serve all beings as service to God. v Serve society which is the universal form of God. v Nobody is infallible. v Do not humiliate anyone. v What is of supreme importance is purity of mind and deed. The three major philosophical works of Ramanuja are the Vedartha Sangraha (commentary on the Vedas), the Sri Bhasya (commentary on the Brahma Sutras) and the Bhagavad Gita Bhasya. Shri Ramanuja’s Minor Works are Six in numbers which are: Nitya Grantham, Vedantadipa, Vedantasara, Sara...