Margazhi in this year is on 16th December 2024 and it lasts till 13th January 2025. And another important month of Thai – Month of Harvest Festival called Pongal follows from 14th January 2025. Sri Bhagavan Krishna declared in his Bhagavad Gita that ‘amongst the months, I am margazhi.’ Margazhi is not only special for devotees of Perumal who invariably sing the devotional songs of Perumal. In the early hours daily during the month especially Andal’s Thirupavai and Devotees of Shiva goes on Nama Sankeertan singing the devotional songs from Manikavasakar’s Thiruvembavai praising Lord Shiva. Such Acts of Devotees will purify not only body but also mind leading to strengthening body and injecting spirituality into the mind which will be beneficial to lead a healthy, wealthy and long life. Anything that was practiced for a month continuously, then the body clock will get used to this holy practice of getting up early and reciting spir...