Nikah al-Mutah By Pavithran

Nikha Muta is another obnoxious practice similar to Nikha Halala . Islam had not given any status for their women folks – they were being treated as chattel and commodity for sex and intercourse by males. Even to equate the sacred word Nikha with Muta – meaning simple Pleasure or Enjoyment and Halala – forcing divorced wife to have sex with another man to be eligible to take her back again as his wife – is by itself horrible and condemnable. Muta Marriage in Islam is a temporary marriage for a fixed period for a consideration of money in the form of dowry. Hence Muta is clearly meant a marriage for pleasure. Further t here is no restriction as to the number of Мutа -wives. One may contract a Muta form of marriage with as many wives at a time as he likes. The period of contract may be for days, weeks, months or years. It was declared that Muta Marriage is not Sin as per Koran. The passage dealing with Muta Marriage is extracted hereunder: Thi...