Politics – Castes - Religions Cloaked Discussions – Debates - Decisions

After 26 th May 2014 – the day on which Modi took charge as the Prime Minister of India, there were continuous violent and vicious propaganda to incite and to portray and to colour even stray and remote incidents of suicide, murder, rape or hate speeches and thereby put the entire blame on Modi’s Shoulders. The atmosphere is so partisan and polarized that the issues discussed, debated and decided were soaked and cloaked on the basis of politics, castes and religions of victims/perpetrators. In the process, press, media, political parties etc. had failed and continue to fail India as a Sovereign Socialists Secular Democratic Republic with the solemn resolve to secure all its citizens Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as enshrined in the Preamble of our Indian Constitution. Press – both Print and Media, Political Parties, Religious Bodies, Castes based Forums, Students’ Unions of various denominations of castes, political parties, religious outfits ar...