Bail Rahul’s Failed Earthquake

Rahul Gandhi is in bail since 20th February 2015 on his executing personal bond of Rs.50,000 and one surety due to the alleged frauds committed by him along with his beloved mother Sonia and a few others in National Herald case and he is allowed to roam around in view of lenient bail conditions. Hence more than ordinary care and restraint is to be displayed by him in his speech and behaviours. Though verdict is yet to come, Rahul has perhaps lost his balance when he thundered thus: “The government is running from a debate. They are not allowing me to speak in Lok Sabha. If they allow me to speak, then you will see an earthquake erupting.” Entire Nation knows that Lok Sabha was disrupted by Opposition Parties - Congress in the fore front. Then Rahul had chosen to speak about the earthquake-type power speech in a public meeting instead of in Lok Sabha. It runs like this: Sahara paid Rs.40 crore to Narendra Modi before he became prime minister....