Bharat’s glorious civilization was butchered by the Islamic Muslim invaders followed by Christian Evangelistic British, French and Portuguese. Perils of the Islamic Invaders are even now standing as cruel reminders of their power of annihilations through their bloody Swords throughout many parts of Our Holy Mother Land – Raced Beautiful Architectural Temples, Destroyed Centre’s of Learnings and Cultural Heritages. Apart from these annihilations, Hindus and Sikhs were massacred on their refusal to embrace Islam – Muslims Rules in reality speak volumes about their brutalities and their Rule of Sword for Non-Muslims and Rule of Sweet for Arabic Invaders and Coward Converted Natives. Then Came the Bharat under the yokes of British, French and Portuguese who, under the garb of trade, conquered our Mother Land and ruled and looted us culturally, educationally and economically. During their periods, many of our cultural and religious artifacts were stolen treacherously and kept in their...