INTERIM Budget 2019 – Innovative Visionary Budget with Missionary Zeal

Piyush Goyal , Interim Finance Minister, though said to present an Interim Budget, had given a deadly shock just like ‘Economic Surgical Strike’ to all opposition parties making them utterly confused ‘how to react and oppose the Budget of Modi ?’. Because the benefits were extended to almost all sections of the societies like farmers having cultivable land up to 5 acres of land – with £ 6,000 per year as support cash incentives to buy agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, etc., unorganized informal sector workers drawing a monthly salary of £ 15,000/- with pension of £ 3000/- per month from the age of 60 years just paying an amount ranging from £ 55/- to £ 100/- each month depending upon their age at the time of joining the scheme, and above all, the honest taxpaying middle class earning up to £ 5 lacs removed completely from tax liabilities and with full use of £ 1.5 lac exemption available under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act even thos...