Conversation between Shashi Tharoor and Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev

Sadguru - All those invaders whether Britishers or the Mughals or even the invaders before that were brutal & need no human consideration. They are in no way a part of us or our culture. Shashi Tharoor - How can you say this? Mughals came to conquer initially but lived here & died here. They made this their home land. So, they must be recognised as a part of us & our culture. Sadguru - So, by your logic, if World War II had not happened & the Britishers had stayed back in India thereby increasing their population till today, you will recognise them too as a part of us & our culture. Right? I know many like you who are admirers of Mughals exist in India till today who hypocritically abuse only Britishers just bcoz they left India in 1947. Only cowards abuse the enemy staying far off & refuse to accept the harsh reality still surrounding us as they are not gutsy enough to digest the bitter truth. Shashi Tharoor - But but but...Sad...