
Showing posts with the label Upanishad - Chapter 2

Isa Upanishad - Chapter 2: Work and Self

Everyone wishes to live for long. A hundred years of life is the maximum period for any human being. For worthwhile life, a man should perform his work. Only by clinging with his work, a man can achieve his desire to live for long years. Work can be good or bad. But man should do only good work which alone will give him longevity, happiness and well being. Such work will not fetch the person any salvation from further births, as his work is being performed with desires to live long with health and wealth. Such an outlook is antithesis of renunciation which alone can make one to realize the Soul or Self which is the ultimate purpose of life leading to salvation i.e. birth-less state. ‘Live one hundred years on this earth by performing action. With such desire, one can cling to the work and not in any other way’ is the plain meaning of the second stanza. The next verse is to criticize those who perform work only to live longer and who do not apply their mind to realize the True Self wit