Meditation - Compliled By S. Sankaran.

Lord Krishna is called Lord of Meditation. It is because Krishna explains meditation in Bhagavad Gita.. Specific stanzas about modalities of meditation can be found in about 13 places – viz. Ch.2 – stanza 66, Ch. 4 – stanza 29, Ch.5 – stanzas 27 & 28, Ch.6 – stanzas 10 to 18. Lord Krishna has devoted to meditation the entire Chapter 6 appropriately titled as “Path of Meditation”. Let us know about meditation from the mouth of Lord Krishna Himself by reverentially posing a few questions to get His Answers. All Answers are strictly confined to Krishna’s words as revealed in Bhagavad Gita. 1. What are the prerequisites for the meditation? Lord Krishna speaks: One who eats too much, or who does not eat at all and who sleeps too much or too little, is not fit for meditation. One who is moderate in eating, recreation, working, sleeping and walking, is fit for meditation. 2. What are the preparations for the meditation? Lord Krishna speaks: On ...