Remove Jinnah’s portrait

The article below was published in the Hindu dated 9the May 2018 and was written by Mr.Mohammed Ayoob, Professor Emeritius of International Relations, Michigan State University, and Senior Fellow Centre of Global Policy, Washington DC and above all, he is an alumnus of Aligarh Muslim University, Utter Pradesh. Among other things, he says: Jinnah sacrificed Indian Muslims' interests on the basis of a spurious theory that suited his ambitions. In fact, Jinnah's portrait should have been removed from AMU not in 1947 but on March 23, 1940, when the Muslim League adopted the Pakistan resolution that demanded the division of India and of Indian Muslims. Kindly read the full essay from here: The controversy over Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s portrait at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in Uttar Pradesh is partly contrived and partly genuine. Some BJP functionaries find it a convenient tool to further polarise society in order to win the 2019 Lok Sabha election....