Vital Force By Naithrupan

In this Brahdaranya Upanishad’s series, the present article deals with the Vital Force in the body which needs to control three factors – name, form and action. Some liberties have been taken with a view to make the concepts clear, though the core thoughts have been kept intact. - The Editor. As per Brahdaranya Upanishad, this Universe consists of three things. They are name, form and action. Let us examine each one by one. Let us take the case of Name. The actual source of name is speech. The source of speech is sound and the source of sound is tongue, an organ in the body. The next thing is form. The source of form is sight. The source of sight is eyes, which are the organs of the body. The last one is action. The source of action is body. The source of body is its organs including mind and intellect. The man should realize that these three factors viz. name, form and action need to be abandoned to reali...