Polarized Political Platforms – Hot, Hotter and Hottest!

Assembly Elections for 5 States – Goa, Punjab, Uttarakhand , Manipal and Uttar Pradesh – were announced and as on date, elections for 2 phases of Utter Pradesh and Manipal are still remaining – the election dates being 4 th and 8 th March 2017 and thereafter the results will be announced on the 11 th March 2017. Of these States, UP accounts for the highest number of assembly seats – 403 and the election battle in UP is being fought ferociously using all epithets to malign one another giving juicy stuffs to the Medias which were hotly debated and discussed in the select audiences of a few important assembly constituencies. Pappus’s Coconut Juice and Potato Factory are recent pointers! Modi’s ‘Rain Coat’ comment on Manmohan Singh, New Political Definitions for SCAM by Modi – Akhilesh - Rahul, Akhilesh Yadav’s Gujarat Donkeys quip etc. had given colour to the election campaigns especially UP State thereby polarizing the political platforms pushing the real...