246th Birth Anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy on 22nd May 2017

Raja Ram Mohan Roy (22 May 1772 – 27 September 1833) was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj at Calcutta in 1828 and due to his efforts, the practice of sati in Bengal was abolished. It was he who first introduced the word “Hinduism’ into the English language in 1816. For his diverse activities and contributions to society, he is regarded as one of the most important personalities in the Bengali Renaissance. His efforts to protect Hinduism and Indian rights earned him the title “The Father of the Indian Renaissance”. He was also a great scholar who translated many books, religious and philosophical work and scriptures into Bengali and also translated Vedic scriptures into English. He worked for the East India Company and extensively studied Christianity and other religions that were the reasons to make him realize that some Hindu traditions and superstitions were required to be reformed. That was the motivating factor in his starting a new reformist body – viz...