Working and Serving

Difference Between Working & Serving Courtesy: S. Shankar, Lucas-TVS “ Working and Serving are like doing what you like and liking what you do.While you get paid in the former with time bound restriction, the latter gives you happiness without any time frame. Read the article below to feel happy in your office. – Blogger. One evening a scholar was addressing the participants on the concept of work culture. One of the participants asked the following question: "I am a senior manager of Materials Department and I joined an organization 25 years ago as an Engineer Trainee and over the last 25 years I have gone through every experience in the organization. During the initial part of my career, the job was very challenging and interesting. However, all those exciting days are gone since I do not find my joy any more interesting because there is nothing new in my job. I am now feeling bored because I am doing a routine job. However, Sir, I am living in the same house for over forty ...