Delhi Riots - Most Horrible Action of so called "Peaceful" Islam.

CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019), NPR (National Population Register), NCR (National Citizenship Register) were introduced, amended and kept under cold storage for the last 70 years since independence by the Congress Regimes from Jawaharlal Nehru down to Manmohan Singh. Muslims’ Vote Bank Politics and Fear of Pakistan and Local Muslims’ ire had tied the hands of Congress in taking decisive decisions in removing the injustices done to Pakistan and Bangladesh Minority Communities such as Hindus, Sikhs, Christians etc. who were forced to leave their places due to religious persecutions by Pakistan/Bangladesh Muslims by granting them citizenship as a onetime measure so as to render justice to them. There is nothing in CAA to snatch the citizenship of existing Muslims living in India having already Indian Citizenship. Nehru and Gandhi had advocated and asserted that it was injustice to deny citizenship to the persecuted Pakistani Minorities - Hindus, Sikhs etc....