Rajiv’s Entry into Politics was due to the sudden and untimely death of his brother Sanjay Gandhi in an aero plane crash on 23-06-1980. On 31 October 1984, the Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi's mother, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards, which led to violent riots against Sikhs. Rajiv Gandhi took his oath on 31 December 1984 after winning really unbelievable landslide victory – 411 seats out of total 542 seats and at 40, he was the youngest Prime Minister of India. Both his entry into politics and his becoming PM were tragic and alas ! after his completion of one term as PM, Rajiv was brutally assassinated by a lady LTTE sponsored and trained human bomb. It was another tragic note that though with much fanfare Rajiv started his political career as Mr.Clean but ended up as Mr. Corrupt that had triggered the downfall of Congress Rule under his wife Sonia’s collusion rule resulting in Congress Mukt Bharat due to Pappu – Rahul’s immature political m...