Spiritual Newsletter No.2

Mind is Matter The heading ‘Mind is Matter’ may give an impression that Mind is a thing or an object. It is not so. Here it conveys that man should always have concern and conscious of his mind, as the mind is the most powerful aspect in his life. Mind is the important matter to be considered, as it plays a pivotal role in taking decisions in the day-to-day daily life. Mind resides in the brain. Mind is invisible. Mind’s other qualities such as size, weight and shape are not perceptible and they seem to vary with each individual human being. Five senses are activated by the brain but the guidance comes from the mind. Here mind is a teacher to the five senses, while the brain is their power provided for their various activities. Incorrect opinion, infatuated decision and improper action are sometimes being taken by the mind due to the effects of various forces acting on the five senses. There are specific three stories to illustrate these three stages of the mind. They are: 1. A short s...