Shit Soaked Congress Hand Symbol

CONGRESS: INDIA IS SHIT HOLE COUNTRY! Namaste Trump to India. Really proud moments for all Indian Nationals but Congress had its horrible SHIT Face by portraying India in a most undignified manner on this historic moments. The event is not to be limited two political personalities Modi - TRUMP. You criticise Modi and BJP anywhere any numbers - But India should not be shamed by horrible and ungentlemanly comments. Congi News Paper published one article wherein the following ever worst comments were published: INDIA IS THE ONLY POOR & SHIT-HOLE COUNTRY THAT TRUMP HAS EVER VISITED. My blood boils and Congress party should be burried fathom deep with Sonia Rahul Priyanka and their coteries actively parcipating in the ceremony. O Indians! Don't believe none of these scoundrels but trust blindly Modi and BJP. It is a service you are doing to save our Bharath . Read below: "While a historic engagement is about to take of...