CONGRESS – CLUELESS, CASUALNESS, CARELESS, CAUTIONLESS Congress is not only clueless, casualness, careless and cautionless – but also leaderless, as the Grand Old Party has become incapable of electing a permanent leader in such a critical period of the party’s history. Rahul had come forward to resign for party ’ s consecutive Himalayan failures on two Lok Sabha Elections held – reducing its Lok Sabha MPs to 44 in 2014 and to 52 in 2019 even losing a Recognized Opposition Party second time and losing himself in Amethi with sizeable margin. But due to serfdom dynastic mentality which has become Congress Party ’ s DNA, the Party wanted to shield him from such ignominious party ’ s failures. But Rahul was adamant in not only in resigning his president ’ s post but also firm on someone other than Sonia and Priyanka Vadra to lead the party henceforth. Even this had not happened. His calls to congress leaders at all levels exceptional...