Action and Attachment

Bhagavad Gita has this to state about ‘action and attachment’: "One has to do Karma or Action without any expectation of its resultant reward or Fruit. The motive force of action should not be the fruit of action. At the same time, Non-attachment to the fruit of action should not lead into inaction. One, who works only to enjoy the fruit of his labour, is verily unhappy because one has no control over the fruit of action." Explanatory Comments: Currency note has no value as a paper, as the paper cannot boil even a cup of water. But, the same currency note can buy us enough firewood to boil not only water but also to cook our food. Such is the power of the paper in view of the stamp of authority and approval printed on it. Action becomes powerful, if the action is stamped with ‘yoga of action’. Yoga of action here means selfless action or simply action without attachment to the fruit of action. The phrase – ‘Action without attachment to fruit of action’ contains two factors – ...