‘Khan’gress’s Lows

Low One Modi had said in one of the election meetings at Gujarat the following: After I became Prime Minister, this man – (Manishankar Aiyar) – went to Pakistan and met some Pakistanis. All these things are available on social media. In that meeting, he is seen discussing with Pakistanis that until Modi is removed from the way, relations between India and Pakistan cannot improve. Someone tell me what is the meaning of removing someone from the way? You had gone to Pakistan to give my supari; you wanted to give Modi’s supari. This conversation took place three years ago. The Congress party had tried to suppress this episode. They did not take any action against him for last three years. What is my crime? This country’s people have elected me in a democratic way and you go to Pakistan and say that this man is coming in the way and remove him. Here is the details of Former Union Minister’s remarks in a Pakistani news channel: Mani Shankar was participating...