Nationalism – National Flag, National Anthem and National Song

Ancient India was called as Bharatavarsa meaning thereby – the country ( varsa ) of Bharata – Emperor Bharata , the son of Shakuntala and Dushyanta Maharaja. Further, Bharata in Sanskrit means Bha – Light and Knowledge and Rata – Devoted and hence Bharata means ‘Devoted to light/knowledge’. In view of such loaded cultural and spiritual background about our ancient country, the constitution of India in its Article 1 (1) confirmed the name of India as Bharat and the actual wording runs thus: “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States” and hence Bharat is officially acknowledged as the name of our country – though the ‘ sickular liberals’ do not want to acknowledge this fact – but, they want our country to be called as ‘India’ only. Because this name of our country leads to the historical evidence that Bharat’s territories extended to a large parts of present neighboring countries which ancients called as Akhand Bharat, Leftists Leaning Literates and Sicku...