Fall out on account of Ishrat Jahan Encounter Case (Based on the Article titled ‘Politicising Ishrat Jahan’ by The Hindu on 8th March 2016 by R.K.Raghavan, Former CBI Director and Former Joint Director of IB

On June 15, 2004, four suspected terrorists – viz. Javed Ghulam Sheikh ( Originally Pranesh Pillai , a Hindu converted as Muslim and husband of Ishrat Jahan), Amjad Ali Rana and Zeeshan Johar and Ishrat – all suspected as Lashkar-e- Taiba ( LeT ) operatives involved in a plot to assassinate the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi were killed at Ahmedabad by the Ahmedabad Police Crime Branch and members of the Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau (SIB) of Ahmedabad. Ishrat and others were assessed as LeT operative due to the categorical intelligence IB reports. The IB comes under the Ministry of Home Affairs and hence any report from IB supposed to have the stamp of approval by the Ministry of Home Affairs – read the Home Minister – then Chidambaram. An affidavit was filed in the Gujarat High court stating that all the four were terrorists. Then, after around 60 days later, a second affidavit wherein the portion naming Isharat ...