Fall out on account of Ishrat Jahan Encounter Case (Based on the Article titled ‘Politicising Ishrat Jahan’ by The Hindu on 8th March 2016 by R.K.Raghavan, Former CBI Director and Former Joint Director of IB

On June 15, 2004, four suspected terrorists
– viz. Javed
Ghulam Sheikh (
Originally Pranesh
Pillai , a Hindu converted as Muslim and
husband of Ishrat
Jahan), Amjad Ali
Rana and Zeeshan Johar and Ishrat –
all suspected as Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) operatives involved in a plot to
assassinate the then
Chief Minister
of Gujarat, Narendra Modi were
killed at Ahmedabad by the Ahmedabad
Police Crime Branch and members of the Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau (SIB) of Ahmedabad. Ishrat and others were assessed as LeT
operative due to the categorical
intelligence IB reports.
The IB comes under the Ministry of Home
Affairs and hence any report from IB supposed to have the stamp of approval by
the Ministry of Home Affairs – read the Home Minister – then Chidambaram. An affidavit was filed in the Gujarat High
court stating that all the four were terrorists. Then, after around 60 days
later, a second affidavit wherein the portion naming Isharat as
an LeT
person was omitted. At that material
time, it was presumed that all agencies – MHA, IB and CBI were on the same wave
length in filing the second affidavit to decide that while 3 were LeT
terrorists, Isharat was
an innocent college girl.
But, unfortunately, G.K. Pillai, former
Home Secretary and R.V.S. Mani, former Under Secretary, who had actually signed
the two affidavits had accused then Home Minister P. Chidambaram unilaterally
deciding to file an altered affidavit himself drafting the same. Worst, it was
revealed that when Mani had refused to sign the second affidavit, Mani said to
be coerced into signing the second
affidavit and was also tortured by Satish Verma, a CBI officer who was earlier heading
the Special Investigation Team probing the Isharat case.
One reasonably can ask Mani why was he
silent then? The fact is that Mani, on his transfer to the Urban Development
Ministry from the MHA, had brought the barbaric treatment meted to him to the
notice of top officials of his new boss in the Urban Development Ministry – but
it was ignored by them. It is a fittest case for the National Human Rights
Commission to look into this episode without delay.
The real fall out amongst others is the
unfortunate factor that the most important wings of MHA, CBI and IB had become
adversaries instead of acting in unison in the interest of national securities
strictly complementing each others, as they are not adversaries. This sad state
of affairs had allowed as they especially CBI had not played by the rule book
and displayed overzealously in the process just to toe and dance to the tune of
political masters to add ammunition to their nefarious antinational mindsets of
Saffron or Hindu Terror agenda.
It is really unbecoming of G.K.Pillai in
his utter failure in raising his voice of objection at that material time of
changing the tone and tenor of the 2nd
affidavit without his consent by Chidambaram – as it is now being revealed by
him. If G.K.Pillai was
intimidated into silence, then who cannot be?
During the long rules of UPAs I & II
for a decade – both under the leadership of Manmohan Singh duly monitored,
controlled and threatened by Mother and Son Duo, IB, CBI and MHA had become the
major agencies to serve Congress Party as Caged Birds.