Yaswant Sinha Vs Jayant Sinha – Father Vs Son by Pavithran

I need to speak up now by Yaswant Sinha , Former BJP Finance Minister – (an article published in the Indian Express) Sinha had criticized the Modi Government in a most uncharitable way even though he is still a BJP – more critical than the Opposition Parties put together. According to him, while Demonetisation is an unmitigated economic disaster, GST – a badly conceived and poorly implemented has done havoc with the economy thereby making countless millions losing jobs and new entrants hardly having any new opportunites to the labour market. For the quick read, all the main points spelt in Sinha’s article are brought out: Point 1: Growth rate of economy reached 5.7 % in the first quarter of the current fiscal year – lowest in three years. The methodology for calculation of the GDP was changed by the present government in 2015 as a result of which the growth rate recorded earlier increased statistically by over 200 basis points on an annual basis....