Liberals, Leftists, Luytyens, Sonia Congress, Didi TMC     =  HIMALAYAN LIARS AND MUSLIM APPEASEMENTS’ MASTERS!

India, that is Bharath, shall be a Union of States –
are the opening sentence of the Constitution of India immediately after the Preamble.
As you all know, United India was bifurcated on religious basis – Pakistan as an Islamic Country, but, on the other hand, India was not divided on the basis of any religion.  Muslims Leaders had preferred Islamic State called Pakistan –West and East, while Indian Political Leaders mainly Congress at that time had declared that “the People of India resolved to constitute India into a SOVERIEGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its Citizens JUSTICE, LIBERTY, EQUALITY AND FRATERNITY.”

Though India was declared as Bharath in the constitution of India, slogans such as Bharath Mata Ki Jai, Vanthe Matharam were not acceptable to Indian Muslims and even for the so-called Secularists. Even Jawaharlal Nehru had confined himself and satisfied with ‘Jai Hind’ and had politically avoided Bharath Mata Ki Jai and Vanthe Matharam just not to antagonize Muslims who had preferred to stay back in India even after its division into Islamic Pakistan and Non-Religious India.

Indian Muslims’ allegiance to Islam are in their DNA and hence ‘India First – Islam Next’ will not find favour with most of Indian Muslims. And for long, Muslims voted not as Indians but as Islamists first and Indian  second only. For them Quran is to be obeyed, followed and respected more than Indian Constitution for which Liberals, Leftists, Lutyens, Sonia Congress and Didi TMC and even DMK in the south are ever ready to give their tacit approval by waving GREEN flags.  They say that Indian Muslims belong to minority religion, their interests need to be safeguarded and protected even giving them much more benefits than Majority Hindus so as to prove to the world that India is championing the cause of Secularism – actually Islamism.
Hence, to appease Indian Muslims, Indra Gandhi during her Emergency period of 18 months – from 26th June 1975 to January 1977, had brought two words into the Constitution through her most controversial 42nd Constitution Amendment – viz. Socialist and Secular. These words can be called gifts of Indra Gandhi’s Emergency Legacy. These two words were inserted into the Preamble of our Constitution itself, when all freedoms of Parliament, Press, Political Leaders – were completely denied.
And still these two words – Socialist and Secular – are praised as the most sacred words in the Preamble of our Constitution.

Even when these so called sacred words – socialist and secular were brought into the preamble, there were no discussions, no convening of Parliaments – as these were suspended due to emergency - no Press/Media coverages as well. Actually these two sacred words were brought through back door and Liberals/Leftists/Lutyens had not found fault with such sacrileges – perhaps they were on the wavelength of ‘Sacred Words could be brought even by flouting rules, regulations, statues etc. which could not be termed as sacrileges!’ 
Hold your breaths – these two words – Socialism and Secularism were amendments to the Preamble of our Constitution itself and Indra Gandhi was not questioned the routes chosen by her to the insertion of these two sacred words by these Sickulars – though it was a sacrilege route without any iota of doubt.

It is pertinent to add that Dr. Ambedkar was against these two words to find place in the preamble of our constitution, when it came up for discussion.
He said: Entire Constitution is built on the foundation of secularism. And hence there is no sense in inserting Secularism in the Preamble of our constitution.
Socialism is a political system which should be decided by the voters and future elections only and bringing Socialism into the ambit of Preamble is against the freedom of voters to choose and change  political system.’
But, CAA which was duly passed by the both houses of Parliament and then approved by the President of India, was being opposed simply because it gives citizenship status to Indian Minority religions such as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians who were persecuted by the Mulsims Majorities in Pakistan/Bangladesh and living in India since 70+ years as refugees without getting any benefits ever since Independence.
The immediate beneficiaries are around only 31000 persons – mostly dalits Hindus.
 But even this justice to a small section of the oppressed people had become an eye sore for those Sickular pundits – though made possible through an amendment to Constitution Act. CAA  was being opposed with violent protests and riots under the false propaganda of non-inclusion of Muslims in the amendment to the Constitution Act  which was not justified on rational reasoning. After the insertion of these two words – Socialism and Secularism, the preamble which was ‘Sovereign Democratic Republic’ was changed into ‘Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic’.
After inclusion of these two words – Socialism and Secularism, Purvy Purse Abolition and Haribi Hatao Slogan had fetched Indra Gandhi votes from the masses. And Secularism had  snatched away the religious pasts of Indian Nationalism – whether Hindu or Muslim, but, at the same time inconsistently by retaining Muslim’s personal law and  showering many special financial subsidies for undertaking Haj pilgrimages and other special status and safeguards as Religious Minorities which were coolly denied to Majority Hindus.
On many instances, Nationalism was decried and denied its importance paving way for Secularism which in practice is a massive umbrella to appease Minority Muslims as a vote bank politics. The Preamble also contains the word ‘Fraternity’ and the constitution defines Fraternity as ‘assuring the dignity of the individual’ and goes to add ‘THE UNITY AND INTEGRITY OF THE NATION’. But the so-called ‘Sickularists’ want to emphasis on the dignity of the individual rather than on ‘the unity and integrity of the nation.’
For them, Non-chanting of National Anthem – ‘Jana Gana Mana’  and National Song – ‘Vanthe Matharam’ should not be treated as anti-national and anti-Indian and to them, Individual Dignity is supreme and more important as against ‘Unity and Integrity of the Nation.’
Their oft quoted remarks run thus: ‘I need not prove my nationalism towards India’. But they like to say that ‘I am Muslim First and then only I am Indian Citizen’.

Such an outlook, if allowed unchecked, will become a breeding  ground for anti-national riots and agitations leading to mass scale destruction of properties and murder of law abiding majority Hindu nationalists.
In the UPA regime, Two Terms Congress Ex-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had openly advocated that ‘Muslims as a minority should be given first priority to India’s resources’ and his Government had taken many steps to appease Muslim Communities.  It was the tragic truth that majority Hindus had to appeal to the then Congress Government to extend at least the same religious freedom and privileges to them.     Even many Islamic Terror attacks on Indian soils were not dealt with an iron hand with arrest of terrorists infiltration along India – Pakistan border and also to take steps to annihilate such terrorist camps so as to stop further terrorists’ attacks. Only bold steps taken by Modi government had stopped such incursions and terror attacks during his 5 years first term and continued in his second term.
Abrogation of  Articles 370 & 35 A, Abolition of Triple Talaq, Amicable Settlement of Ayodhya Temple Disputes, Surgical Strikes on Terror Camps across the Pakistan border were bold successful steps taken by Modi Government duly following the rules and regulations as laid down in our Constitution.

Jammu and Kashmir was declared as an Integral Part of India – but the major hurdle to make it was Article 370 and 35A which was termed as temporary in the statute but became almost permanent and no one dared to change the so-called temporary provisions due to fear of Local Muslims’ Violent oppositions, cross border terrorists’ attacks, stone throwing on military and police forces apart from violent periodic riots sponsored by Kashmir Muslim political parties. But impossible was made possible by Modi-Shaw following laid down rules and regulations and not like Indra’s Back Door move to amend even the Preamble of our Constitution.

Now Jammnu and Kashmir’s special status was removed once for all through legislative processes and Jammu and Kashmir is now just like any other Union Territory which will become a State in the near future. Congress fooled the Indian Nation for the last 70+ years stating that Jammu and Kashmir are integral part of India but without taking any concrete steps to ‘Integrate It with India’. But Modi Government had ‘integrated Jammu and Kashmir’ into India by abolishing Separate Flag, Separate State Powers, Restricted Residenceship and Ownership of Properties etc.
Such political success stories of Modi-Shaw Government could not be digested by Congress, TMC, DMK and other opposition parties and they were waiting for an opportunity to show their strength to the BJP and Citizenship Amendment Act – 2019 (CAA – 2019) had come as a succor to them. The Muslims Public, Certain Muslim University students were on war path to stop the implementation of CAA -2019 and the above mentioned opposition parties were openly supporting such violent riots and on their part, they were also violently opposition CAA -2019 in various parts of India.
In order to have more teeth for their agitations, opposition parties are clubbing National Population Register (NPR) and Nation Register of Citizenship (NRC) with CAA -2019.
CAA – 2019 is a just act giving justice to Pakistan Minorities who crossed over to India as refugees since Independence 1947 due to religious persecutions by Pakistan Muslims Majority. It is a one time relief – those suffered religious persecutions and living in India for 6 years with a cut off date fixed as 31st December 2014. This CAA will not be available for any fresh Persecuted Pakistan Minorities, if any and they had to seek remedies through existing other laws as available to Majority Pakistani Muslims staying illegally in India. Pakistan Muslims leaving Pakistan could not be equated with Religiously Persecuted Pakistan Minorities by Pakistan Muslim Majorities – but Sickularists demand to extend ‘Citizenship Status’ for Pakistan Muslims living in India.

Though there are existing laws through which these Pakistan Muslims could seek remedies, they were not ready to go through the process. Many of these Pakistan Muslims were infiltrators and rioters and even Anti-Nationals and hence to safeguard ‘unity and integrity of the nation’ as declared under Fraternity in the Preamble of our Constitution, proper screening before granting of Citizenship needs to be followed.
CAA -2019 brought out by Modi Government is not a new Act but it was an amendment to Citizenship Act 1955 only and it was not a first amendment but  5th Amendment. The act was earlier amended by the Congress Governments in 1986, 1992, 2003 & 2005 for various reasons.
The National Population Register (NPR) is a mandatory exercise as per Section 14 A of the Citizenship Act 1955 and it will be updated at periodical intervals.  Every Individual over the age of 18 will be issued a resident identity card (RIC) and this will be a chip-embedded smart card with the UID number (Aadhar) printed. In India NPR was prepared along with Census 2011 – updated in 2015. The new and latest NPR is planned to be conducted across India (except Assam) between April 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020 along with next census enumeration. NPR is not a citizenship enumeration drive, as it would also include a foreigner staying in an area for more than 6 months. NPR is the prelude to the NRC (National Register of Citizenship).
National Register of Citizens (NRC) was, on the other hand, the result of the Assam Accord signed by the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1985. The 2003 amendment mandated the Government of India to construct a National Register of Citizens. NRC’s updation was started in the year 2013 on the orders of the Supreme Court and Modi Government had completed the tasks and the problem had emerged due to omissions of large population of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh who will not be granted citizenship. As these immigrants are mostly Bangaladesh Muslims, the Indian Muslims are protesting the process of omitting such muslims and are demanding and agitating Indian citizenship for those Muslims.

Assam local residents are also raising objections to accommodate large number of refugees getting Indian Citizenship in Assam.
Extending NRC to other parts of India is also equally a herculean task and opposition parties are resorting to riots and arsons to prevent Modi – Shaw to implement NRC for all States of India.

Demanding citizenship for Pakistan Muslims’ Immigrants Infiltrators is one thing, but, to oppose granting of Citizenships to Minorities like Hindus, Sikhs and others is against justice. Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh was 22% in 1951 and now it is 8% which goes to prove the systematic persecutions of Hindus, Sikhs etc. by majority Muslims of Pakistan and Bangladesh. But in India, Muslim Population was 9% at the time of Independence and to-day it is 16% - this goes to prove the real tolerance of Hindus in India. Even this greatness of Hindus was not reciprocated by Indian Muslim Population, when it comes to rendering justice to the prosecuted Hindus by neighboring Islamic Countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
India – That is BHARATH – should be protected from all illegal infiltrators and immigrants. And unfortunately they belong to one community – i.e. Muslim. Local Indian Muslims should come out openly in supporting the Government Move to evict such illegal persons irrespective of their religions. This will also make the Indians’ Lives safe and secure.
Let us pray God that good sense will prevail to all Indian Citizens – present and future to make India Great in All Respects and to become a Powerful Trouble Free Developed Nation.
Bharath Mataki Jai.


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