Arudra Darshan Monday 20th December 2021
religion and culture of the world has one or more dancing deities.
The Greek
Olympian Apollo is often called the ‘Dancer’ -- the god of archery, music,
dance, truth and prophecy.
Zeus, the
Master God of Greek mythology, dances frequently. One of the muses --
Terpsichore is a ‘goddess of dance and chorus’ -- her very name indicates that
she delights in dancing.
The Semitic
Canaanite god, Baal Marqod likes to dance and is even described as the
‘inventor of dance’.
Dances in
celebration of god are mentioned in the Old Testament.
Mera is the
dancing Khmer goddess of Cambodia. Shinto religion also has a dancing goddess
called Ame-No-Uzume-No-Mikoto.
In the
Indian pantheon, Siva is not the sole dancer. Krishna, Vinayaka, Muruga,
Parvati and Vishnu also dance.
However, the
dance of bliss by Nataraja is unique.
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