Elevation of Yogi Adityanath as CM of UP

Gopalakrishna Gandhi’s Sweeping and Weeping Analysis of UP Election Results http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/the-yogi-and-the-magic-of-numbers/article17532562.ece The Hindu Editorial: Wag the dog http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/editorial/on-yogi-adityanath-taking-over-as-cm-of-uttar-pradesh/article17532552.ece (Above Two links are - First Link - Article by Gopalakrishna Gandhi and second Link - The Hindu Editorial. Both narrates and analyses about Yogi’s elevation to CM of UP. The fallacies and prejudices in those analyses are brought out here in this article to the best of my ability. Yogi may not be perfect, but, to judge him - only by his previous utterances, actions etc. - without giving him sufficient time, is quite unfair and prejudicial. - The Editor, E Touch.) ‘Electing Yogi Adityanath as CM is undemocratic, anti-democratic which process can be called counter-democracy. India holds a doctorate in democracy; it is doing a post-doc...