Elevation of Yogi Adityanath as CM of UP

 (Above Two links are - First Link  - Article by Gopalakrishna Gandhi and second Link - The Hindu Editorial. Both narrates and analyses about Yogi’s elevation to CM of UP. The fallacies and prejudices in those analyses are brought out here in this article to the best of my ability. Yogi may not be perfect, but, to judge him - only by his previous utterances, actions etc. - without giving him sufficient time, is quite unfair and prejudicial. - The Editor, E Touch.)

‘Electing Yogi Adityanath as CM is undemocratic, anti-democratic which process can be called counter-democracy. India holds a doctorate in democracy; it is doing a post-doc in counter-democracy’

-          are the final opinion expressed by Gopalkrishna Gandhi in his article published in the Hindu
titled - The Yogi and the magic of numbers. This article was published alongside the Hindu Editorial titled “Wag the dog” wherein it was expressed amongst other things the following in particular: “When the tail wags the dog, the dog risks losing control of it altogether”. It amounts to saying that the chosen man Yogi will have his days in deciding and in administrating the big State of UP. The Hindu, in the normal circumstances, might have uphold it as the mature and ideal state of federalism - but, unfortunately, the CM is Yogi - a Hindutva firebrand, the head of Hindu Yuva Vahini - an organization taking up issues such as cow protection, love jihad, forced religious conversions etc.

The Hindu Editorial had predicted that Yogi could not behave more responsibly now than when he was in the opposition or Yogi could not be controlled by either Modi or Amit Shaw and that as to make the Hindutva hardliner mend his ways is about as easy as straightening a dog’s tail!

Let us refresh our memories of the past records of the findings and assessments of the newspapers like Hindu and other similar ‘sickular - presstitute’ minded medias.

During Nehru’s time, BJP - read Vajpayee - was the hardcore Hindutva. Then, due to democratic process - perhaps counter-democracy as alleged by the Great Grandson of Gandhi Gopalkrishna Gandhi, Vajpayee became the Prime Minister of India and Advani his Deputy Prime Minister.

Then, the media and press started their usual plays:

Vajpayee was secular and best, but Advani was Hindutva face and worst.

Then Modi came into the picture.
And the tune of media and press had changed:

Advani was secular and best, but Modi was Hindutva face and worst.

Now, Yogi came into the picture.
Modi is Vikas Purush and best, but Yogi is Hindutva face and worst.

Gopalkrishna Gandhi had not uttered a single word about 10 years of misrule of Manmohan Singh Government - who said: ‘All evils of my Government are mainly due to collusion compulsion’.  Why did he not think about ‘counter-democracy’ at that material time?

Gopalkrishna Gandhi mentions about India’s Majoritarianism - indicating that the Muslims are being sidelined by the BJP and put forth a question: Is it democratic for a State of which 19% are Muslims to be ruled by a party not putting a single Muslim candidate?

Before answering his question, let me pose a counter question to our respected Gopalkrishna Gandhi: Where were you, when the minority Hindus being killed, raped and driven out of their ancestral homes from J & K? Had you not felt that not only injustice but cruel murders had taken place under the very nose of the Congress Rule where you had also occupied a high position then? No Tears - No Surrendering your Post - No Articles/Essays - And we have to respect you as Gandhi’s Grand Son!

And again, Mr.Gopalkrishna Gandhi! Could you recollect the words of Manmohan Singh, as the Prime Minister, expressing that first priority to resources should be to Muslims who are minorities?

Could this statement be not termed as ‘Minoritisms’, as you had lamented and condemned the BJP following ‘Majoritisms’ in UP election without giving any seat?

For your pointed accusation of not fielding even a single Muslim candidate in the election, BJP is a political party and it is an open secret that there will not be much Muslims joined as party members. And even amongst them, there will not be many actually sharing the ideology of the BJP - particularly in respect of abolishing 370 Article, Common Civil Code, Abolishing Triple Talaq, Ram Temple etc. Gopalakrishna Gandhi had forgotten that elections are not an exercise in social engineering and hence his accusation is not politically valid.

Further, Gandhi seems to be a little bit confused and conveyed conflicting statements in his article.

Here are my points to prove my above statement.

‘We cannot get anyone more democratic than Yogi. He - sometime of the party in power, sometime in the opposition, speaking the language of his people, the language of the masses as their chosen MP, … He is B.Sc.Maths ..And so he knows his numbers, knows that numbers count and that in a democracy they are all that count - apart from money. Yogi Adityanath deserves to be congratulated, and I do so, for rising to the pinnacles of our legislative architecture from its very foundations, not being airdropped on its carpeted terrace from a helicopter.’

Having said these, Gopalkrishna Gandhi found fault with the electoral system without suggesting any other alternative good counter system.

This is simply condemning the electorates whose selections, whether to your liking or not, should be respected - that is a gentleman’s gesture.

Do not hate Verdicts and Victors, as the results will count and be judged every five years.

Injustices were done by the previous Mayavathi and Akhilesh Governments to the majority Hindus and Muslims were allowed to corner their benefits - in Gopalakrishna Gandhi’s term, it is ‘Minoritisms’ Rule - even law and order to favour Muslims in particular and Yadav next.

Even if G.Gandhi’s so-called ‘Counter Democracy’ brings prosperity and peace in the course of time, you have to swallow what all you had said here.

It is not bad to have a soft corner towards Muslims, but, not at the expense of Hindus. Your grandfather perhaps may not be in agreement with most of your views - You are really skillful in your writings keeping virtue many miles away.

Time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

I am quite sure that the Hindu and Gopalakrishna Gandhi will be wrong in the near future.



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