Our First PM Nehru's US visit during Kennedy's Presidency. Compare this with the present MODI'S US state visit. Quote: As Galbraith wrote in his diary, “Nehru simply did not respond. Question after question he answered with monosyllables or a sentence or two…The president found it very discouraging. …" After Kennedy told Galbraith “it was the worst state visit” of his presidency and also felt that Nehru seemed more interested in talking with Jackie than with him…” It was equally distressing to know what Jacqueline Kennedy said about Nehru about Nehru’s behaviours during his state visit. Jackie: “If Nehru is not the Prime Minister of India, I would have slapped him on his cheeks for his misbehaviors !” This was Nehru who introduced India to US as Snake Charmers only leaving many cultural feats of India.