Views on Soul by Heraclitus, a Greek Philosopher

Heraclitus lived like Buddha, was critical like Nakkeerar (Chief Ancient Tamil Poet of Chola King) and thought like Adi Sankara. Like Buddha, Heraclitus abandoned his riches in favor of his brother and wandered the mountains making his diet of grass and herbs. Like Nakkeerar, he criticized the Greek Philosophers Hesiod and Pythagoras as frauds though learned and Epic poets Homer and Archilochus as fools deserved to be beaten. Like Adi Sankara, he propounded his theory stating that ‘all things come out of the One and the One comes out of all things’ similar to Advaita theory. The theory of Heraclitus is known as ‘Logos’. Heraclitus was of the firm opinion that the world is governed by the Logos and so the only wisdom in humans is understanding the Logos. He claimed to know everything and was proud of his only book titled ‘On the Nature of the Universe’. But his writings are very obscure in nature to understand and hence he was called a ‘Riddler...